I'm new and just want to say hello.
I'm in Eastern AZ near the NM border. I live on 40 acres of sand and Juniper trees and have no city services at all. We are 30 miles from the nearest gas station, or church; and 75 miles from the nearest Walmart or Home Depot.
I try to grow a garden every year and I have a few chickens. I just built my second chicken coop this last winter out of mostly scrap and cull wood.
My raised hutch is 4'x4' and the coop is 12'x12'. I built it solo, using a tape measure, circular saw, drill with drill bit and screw bit, and some "oops" paint. We're never to old to learn something new.
Over the mild winter we had, I also put together some planter boxes for my garden area.
So far my peas are doing well this year. Last year the rodents got my peas and beans.
I wanted to have a lot of peppers this year so I could dehydrate them, but they aren't doing well at all. The tomato and bean plants look good so I should be able to do some canning this year if they produce well.
I spend a lot of time out at my new coop that I call "My Place" with my new chicks.
I gave them some cantaloupe today.
Happy farming everyone.
Cheryl the off grid hermit